Jenna Kay Duxbury

Welcome! My name is Jenna Duxbury, and I’m a writer, musician, and artist based in North Carolina.

This website is a simple online space for showcasing some of my creative work and interests.

About Me

I believe that the arts are a cornerstone for building communities and enriching our private and public lives. I dabble in many different artistic areas and love trying new mediums. When I’m not writing, singing, playing piano, painting, or working behind a computer, you’ll find me wandering the galleries at an art museum, browsing the public library for some avant-garde feminist literature, swimming at the beach, or hiking on nature trails. I live in the woods with my husband, dog, and chickens.


My hands are usually covered in colourful ink splotches and I always have a journal in my backpack. I’m a grant writer, a ghost writer, a copywriter, a creative fiction writer, diarist, and essayist. See more about my professional writing experience on my work page.


I sing and play piano (often at the same time!). I’m a professional musician, a former private lessons instructor, and have enjoyed a lifelong love of music and performing. Read more about my current musical adventures on my portfolio.


I started painting with oils in 2018, primarily using friends and artists I admire as references (and watching lots and lots of YouTube videos). I describe my style as blended, semi-realist pop art. You can see some of my paintings here.

Photos on this site ©️ 2024 Magnolia Photography